The Best Simple Vitamins To Make Hair Grow Faster And Longer

The Best Vitamins To Make your hair grow faster and longer

               Have a beauty hair is a sweet dream for every woman even she has long hair. Many tips and trick maybe taken to make her dream comes true (have a beauty hair) but if you use wrong method, your hair will not as beauty as your face.

the best vitamins to make your hair strengt and longer

               One of many ways you need to try is by consuming vitamins and other nutrititions to make your hair grow faster, strength, and longer. By choosing right vitamins, trust me your hair with grow as soon as possible. But you need times to make it real. No one thing can changed in short time. But need more time to make a change.

               Below I’ll try to share with you 5 important and simple vitamins you need to consume if you want to have a beauty hair with fast growing.

1.      Iron

This is one of important vitamins you need to consume if you want to have beauty hair. This mineral will make your hair alive by way bringing oxygen to the hair strands through the red blood cells. But if you are not a vegetarian, you can get it by consuming beef with no fat or it could from plants like spinach, beans, dried fruit, and nuts.

2.      Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the vitamins that are important. These vitamins are converted by our body when required. In additions, this vitamin can also arrange cycle of hair follicles so it can help the hair grow faster. The recommended intake is 15 micrograms a day.

We can take advantage of the sunshine to get this vitamin D. But if you busy enough and can not spend your times you can get it by consuming milk, grains, and fish such as salmon.

3.     B Vitamins

the best vitamins to make your hair beauty

Especially Vitamin B6, B7, and B12. Vitamin B6 or usually called folic acid and vitamin B12 it is very importan for hair growth. Becausse both of these vitamins will help form red blood cells and nourish each strand of hair. If this proccess doesn’t occur, your hair will grow slowly even loss. You need to consume these vitamins 2,4 micrograms a day.

In other side, Vitamin B7 can help your hair grow faster. The sinergy of these vitamin can make your hair age longer. Two capsules every morning you have to consume it –one for hair and one for skin and nails.

4.     Vitamin C

Vitamin C will helps our bodies produce collagen. Collagen is a protein that can make our hair strength and speeding hair growth. Says nutritionist Marci Clow, a dietician at vitamin company Rainbow Light and member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
You can get your daily 75 mg vitamin C by consuming orange, kiwi, pineapple, red peppers, and strawberries.

5.     Protein

Protein gives our body and brain energy, also 97 percent our hair is made up from protein. So it is important to consume protein every day. You can get this important 46 grams thing by eating foods like lean meats, egg, greek yogurt, and legumes.
