The Psychology of Love that Lasts a Lifetime

The triad of a romantic relationship - intense love, sexual desire and long-term commitment - seems difficult to achieve. But it is not so unusual or out of reach, as we often think.

"We are born to love," writes the anthropologist and author of the book "Why We Love", Helen Fisher . "The feeling of romantic love is deeply rooted in our minds. But how long?"
Daily Love Live

Science tells us that the romance can hold - often longer than we think. Our culture tends but to be quite cynical about the prospects of lasting romance to be (as opposed to the "other loves" pleasure and long-term commitment). And for good reason. About 50 percent of marriages end in divorce, with 2.4 million American divorces in 2012. And in the families that stay together, has spread discontent.

In long-term partnerships that work, is the romance often the camaraderie and the love of friendship.

But no matter how cynical we think about the lifelong love, it still seems to be that are looking for the most Americans. Romance is increasingly seen as an essential part of marriage. 91 percent of women and 86 percent of men said in a survey that they would not marry a perfect partner if they were not in love.
This kind of love is good for our marriage and our health. Romantic love - free from the early stages of infatuation - is often long-term marriages, the research has found. The marriage satisfaction is often related to the individual well-being and self-esteem.

Although our science has given an insight into the temperament of love and romantic relationships, this fundamentally important area of human existence remains a mystery. Love, especially the long-lasting, one of was "the most studied and least understood areas in psychology."

There may be more questions than answers, but we know that love and marriage is good for our physical and mental health. And psychologists who study love, marriage and relationships have a number of factors that contribute to long-lasting, romantic love found.
Here are six scientific secrets of couples who already receive intensive romance for decades or her life upright.

Lifetime romance is possible

Despite the high divorce rates, infidelity and dissatisfaction - it's not lost all hope. On the contrary. A study from 2012 , which was published by the journal "Social Psychological and Personality Science" found that 40 percent of married people said they were "very much in love". In the same study said 40 percent of women and 35 percent of men who had been married for more than 30 years they were "very much in love".
They are not convinced that alone tell the couples? The neuroscientific research has proved that romance can last a lifetime.
A 2011 in the journal "Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience" published study found that the brain activity in patients in long-term partnerships (who were married 21 years on average) are comparable with those are newly in love. The results showed similar brain activity both groups with high activity in the reward and motivation centers of the brain results suggest that couples can not only love for a long time -. they can also stay in love.
Getting the romance over many years, has a positive effect in the brain that understands romance as cognitive reward, says psychology researcher Adoree Durayappah.
"The key to the romance is for long-term sustainability, it scientifically to understand a little ', Durayappah wrote in" Psychology Today " ." Our brain sees the permanent passionate love as a purposeful behavior to obtain rewards. This reward can be,. B. be the reduction of anxiety and stress, but also the feeling of security, a state of rest or the connection with another. "

 The feeling of "blind love"

When we fall in love with someone, we tend to worship the ground on which one goes. We see him as the most beautiful, smartest and consummate person in our environment. After a few months or years, we take our partners of this base may back down. It is precisely this sense of "blind love" critical for a long-lasting passionate love.
The University of Geneva has claimed more than 500 studies conducted found any combination of two personality traits in a relationship, which predict a long-term romance. With one exception: The ability to maintain positive illusions about partner - look it as a good, smart, funny and caring, or to see him generally as a "catcher" - helps, happy to stay together.

 Try new things

Boredom can be a major obstacle to lasting romance or love. Successful couples always find a way to make the relationship interesting.
Psychological research has, according to "Psychology Today" found that couples who experience intense love are the ones who not only feel a strong physical and emotional attraction, but also new and challenging activities to enjoy together.
"New and exciting experiences allow the partners appear more attractive. They rekindle the spark," Amie Gordan wrote in the "Berkeley Science Review" .

 preserve independence

Dependence according to the psychologist and author Esther Perel the enemy of long-lasting pleasure (which is an important part of romance is). In the popular TED Talkasked Perel: "Why faded sexual desire over time also in love relationships"

The dependence in long-term partnerships - The would assume that we are looking for in a partnership for security and stability - is a damper for the erotic spark, said Perel.But when couples maintain their independence and each sometimes alone can do something, you can see his partner again and again in a new light.
"When I see my partner as he focused on his own thing, the perception shifts," says Perel. If we kept their our secrets, there is no dependency.

"So if you want to keep alive the spark, give your partner the space to do that, which is good for him. Watch him now and then in his passion and how he radiates, "says Perel.

Passion for life carries over to the relationship

Psychologists have found that a strong passion for life can help to maintain a lifelong love affair upright. A study of the Stony Brook University from 2012 examined the personality traits that should have a positive effect on life-long relationships. The researchers found that people who are enthusiastic about life and more likely to lead, a romantic relationship.
The Psychology of Love that Lasts a Lifetime

"People that enrich their daily lives with joy and strong emotions seem to transmit these feelings on their love life," Susan Krauss Whitbourne wrote in "Psychology Today" . "If you want your relationship is passionate to bring you this emotional energy in your hobby, interests or political activities. "

The relationship as a joint journey to self-realization

While individuals usually seek in marriage security, the social perspective has shifted: men and women are looking for in marriage increasingly for self-realization and personal fulfillment. Such marriage can be satisfying for both partners. But: Each partner needs to invest more time and energy in the relationship, so that it is successful.
"The average wedding today is weaker than that of the past. Both in terms of satisfaction, as well as on divorce rates. But good marriages are now much more in terms of personal well-being, as before," Eli J. Finkel wrote, Professor of social psychology at Northwestern University, in the "New York Times".

Instead of satisfying basic needs and to serve the survival of society, marriage is now a means to self-realization. This new direction can help to consolidate the romance in a relationship longer, until each partner is willing to invest in the relationship.
"Just as expectations rose to the marriage, so also the potential psychological benefits have increased," noted Finkel , "but to achieve these results, has become more demanding."
